Sunday Worship
10:30 am
(See Events Calendar for details)
335 Linwell Road, St. Catharines, Ontario

Sunday Morning Activities (click here for more info)

Sunday School (Kindergarten - Gr 12) from 9:30 am - 10:15 am. Nursery available during Sunday School for small children/families. Coffee & Community: Drop in anytime after 9:45am & enjoy some socializing with coffee/tea in narthex before service begins. Worship Service: 10:30am in sanctuary. Quiet room available for small children and families. Come as you … Continue reading Sunday Morning Activities (click here for more info)

Sunday Morning Activities (click here for more info)

Sunday School (Kindergarten - Gr 12) from 9:30 am - 10:15 am. Nursery available during Sunday School for small children/families. Coffee & Community: Drop in anytime after 9:30am & enjoy some socializing with coffee/tea in narthex before service begins. Worship Service: 10:30am in sanctuary. Quiet room available for small children and families. Come as you … Continue reading Sunday Morning Activities (click here for more info)

Sunday Morning Activities (click here for more info)

Sunday School (Kindergarten - Gr 12) from 9:30 am - 10:15 am. Nursery available during Sunday School for small children/families. Coffee & Community: Drop in anytime after 9:45am & enjoy some socializing with coffee/tea in narthex before service begins. Worship Service: 10:30am in sanctuary. Quiet room available for small children and families. Come as you … Continue reading Sunday Morning Activities (click here for more info)